My Intention Inspired Story- Maria Vandenburg

⏱️ 6 min

Intention Inspired has allowed me to grow in my belief and acceptance of myself, of who I am, and even helped me write a book! It’s provided me with the tools and...

I am sitting here trying to think of how to “tell my story” as it relates to all things Intention Inspired, and I’m finding it very difficult to do. Not because incredible things aren’t happening as a result of this space and community every single day, but because it’s a bit difficult to put it all into words.

I found Intention Inspired in May 2017. I somehow stumbled across the 30 Days of Brave Challenge and before I even knew what was happening, I signed up at 11:30 pm to “open the door to new possibilities in my life.”

I didn’t even really know what that meant. I just knew that I needed to listen and follow my heart/gut.

That was the start.

Fast forward, 8 months later, and I am now connected to this company, the founders, the vision, the teachers, the community, everyone for life.

I am connected

I completed a second Brave challenge right before literally moving across the world to start an MBA program. My intention the second time around was to “complete the outline/structure of my first book.”  During the month of November, I not only outlined it, but I actually finished writing that ENTIRE book. I still need to edit and get it to the point that I am comfortable sharing, however, the fact of the matter remains that because of Intention Inspired, I set the intention to:

  1. Open the door to new possibilities in my life
  2. Begin/Start writing my first book

And I have now done both of those things.

The most amazing part to me when I think about Intention Inspired, is how much I have been able to grow and develop through being a part of it. By taking time each and every day to focus, breathe, build reflect, and repeat, I end up conquering so much more than I ever set out to in the first place. I have become aware of things that I didn’t even notice at the start. I am more in tune and connected with myself than I have ever been.

An excerpt from my work

This last month brought along the launch of Intention Inspired memberships and the writing of my novel. I wanted to share a piece of it, because I think this helps summarize my experience with this company, and the impact that it has had on my life:

“As I think about wrapping this book up for you all (and frankly myself), I find that I want to reflect on what I have learned throughout the process of writing it:

  1. I like to swear… a lot. So, I'm sorry about that. It's ironic because I don't actually swear that much in real life. But I apparently love to when I'm cranky or frustrated or working through something.
  2. I actually can do a lot more than I initially think that I am capable of. Case and point this executive meeting/board presentation at work. Initially, I was SO freaked out. But it went really well! I need to make a point to stop second guessing myself.
  3. When I'm approaching something new, I have a tendency to worry about it going wrong instead of anticipating it going well (i.e. imagining my project sponsor as an evil lawyer who hates all Project Managers when she actually ended up being awesome, and all of this love stuff that I am still processing and figuring out. Who knows where that will end up, but imagining it not going anywhere or being “real” doesn't seem to help matters much)
  4. Worrying about the future and events outside of my control does me absolutely NO GOOD. In fact, all it actually does is create unnecessary worry and stress. It just affects the quality of my present moment.
  5. Having an awareness of all of this is really key.

I am obviously still a work in progress. I don’t think that I will ever be a saint. There aren't likely to be any Maria shrines built at any point soon. But I am making it a point to try and work on myself and learn and grow and evolve every single day.

Of course, I will stumble and fall, and have one too many ciders (like last night at the pub with all of my MBA participants), but that's part of life. That's part of being a human.

I might have my heart broken again but you know what? It will be OK.

I mean hopefully, I don’t. Hopefully, whatever next relationship I get in will be amazing and perfect and we never fight ever and we just live happily ever after.

Even though I have no idea what the hell is going to happen in the Maria love department, I'm still grateful for everything that is currently happening. I’ve been able to clearly identify what I am looking for when I think of who I want to end up with.

I want to be with someone where I feel that deep connection. I want to be inspired and moved by the person. I want to be an inspiration for that person.

Gratitude Abounds

SO I'm grateful for two things:

  1. Me more clearly understanding what I want
  2. Me opening up my heart and starting to create a space to receive love

Because that's really what this has all done.  It’s opened up my heart, mended the wounds and the guards that I didn't even realize that I had built up.

I just sort of wish I had a clearer picture of where it is all going, but I've accepted that it’s all going to happen as it’s meant to, in its own time.

meditation heart benefitsIt’s a bit weird to say that a company has “opened up my heart.”

But it’s the truth.

Intention Inspired has allowed me to grow in my belief and acceptance of myself, of who I am, what I want and who I aspire to be. It’s provided me with the tools and daily practices I need to further cultivate all of these things. It has connected me with some pretty amazing and incredible people. And… the absolute best part? It feels like it’s just the beginning.  – Maria

To follow more of Maria's story check out her blog:


We feel the same way. It feels like it's just beginning. We can't wait to see where it takes you and the rest of the community! Thank you so much for sharing. We're forever grateful to have been a part of your heart opening up. May the love and inspiration flood in and take you places you never thought possible. Here's to 2018!

Love & Respect-

Team Intention

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