What makes you, you


⏱️ 1 min

Share one thing that makes you quirky and unique in comments below. ↡

Share one thing that makes you quirky and unique in comments below.

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147 thoughts on “CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Own What Makes You, YOU!”

  1. Somewhen in my life I forgot how to walk, ride a bicycle and even laugh. It has been hard and I felt very ashamed of myself. I had to relearn it all! Now at this time around I am better than I´ve ever been. Well that teaches me a little something right on this spot of time and place. Don´t give up on it. Whatever it may be. Especially not if it´s you. You are able to become an even more phantastic wonder than you have been right away. Just by beeing born. Beeing alive.
    Keep on wondering my precious friend.

  2. A childish passion for performance, be it dance, music, theatre. I travel within dreamland in awe. It’s also a great healer for when I loose my self. Funnily enough what takes me furthest away from reality also brings me back to myself when I’m lost.

  3. I love to express my quirkiness in the way I dress, accessorize, and color my hair. I like to wear “themes of the day” clothing, for instance. Today my theme is “T-Rex having a pre-spring romp.” I am wearing a chambray skirt with bric-a-brac edging, a shirt where a T-Rex is riding a bicycle, tan booties, a T-Rex necklace, triceratops earrings, and a robot (yeah, it’s not part of the theme–but it’s colorful!) watch. Additionally, the front right third of my hair is colored with purple and teal stripes, and the rest of my hair is a brownish red.

    Remember…this is just one day!

    I like to express my quirkiness in other ways, too…but I don’t want to monopolize the board.

  4. I love horror movies and books and spooky, melancholy things. But i definitely exude the perky, positive cheerleader too. Pink and black…a perfect combination to describe me.

  5. One thing that makes me unique and quirky is my ability to be open minded and never hold back my thoughts or feelings. I also love that I can make others laugh as well as myself!

  6. The one thing that makes me quirky and unique is my ability to get along with everybody. Age, race, creed, religion, economics, sexuality, gender identification and so on. I make them feel comfortable and accepted because I truly feel that way. I just want everyone to be happy!

  7. What makes me unique is my ability to have a song in mind for all situations. It’s not unusual for me to break out in song anywhere I go. I love all kinds of music. I have a knack for making tedious, monotonous, and boring tasks fun just by breaking out in song!

  8. One simple thing that makes me “quirky” and “unique” would have to be my ability to tune strangers and others around me at times and just be myself. For instance, when I go to the gym and workout I get REALLY into my music. I could be curling dumbbells for 20 reps without taking a breath and at that same time I am rapping each lyric to my favorite Travis Scott song. Sure, one might look at me and think I am “strange” or my behavior is sort of “bizarre”. However, I am just being myself, enjoying my music, my workout and feeling amazing while doing it and not worrying about how I look in anyone’s eyes around me. I am focused on ME and feeling AWESOME! Regardless of who is watching.

  9. yo soy una persona con filtro de amor, trato de mirar a todos atraves de su propio progreso personal y no del mio, cada uno a su tiempo y su manera demuestran lo especial y unicos que son. Bendiciones para todos los que a su bella y unica manera, hacen de este mundo un lugar mejor. GRACIAS!

  10. I have a unique and weird nose and I am bow-legged! I’ve struggled with hating my nose for a long time, but I am trying to look at it as a unique quality that makes me different than anyone else!

  11. I am a clutz and unorganized. However, I am also very creative in my personal and work life. I am curious and always seeking to understand the world around me. I am for the underdog and I am a social worker. I am grateful for all of who I am because I am alive.

  12. Something that is unique about me is that I ABSOLUTELY love learning about languages. Not necessarily becoming fluent but just learning about the language and how the culture and language influence each other. I find that so fascinating. I get all excited just talking about it.

  13. Crying is an action that is caused when one wants attention but I seem to cry at night when I listen to musical sound tracks alone or when a character in a book gets through a hard time or experienced one. Same thing goes for smiling. I smile to myself when I think of random things that aren’t even directed towards anyone. I have interesting emotions…

    • I also write notes to myself without realizing it. Everyone asks me why I carry around a notebook all the time and this is why.
      Some points I have jotted down right now are:
      -Skittles, smell the rainbow?
      -Penny is actually a cat
      -Practice drawing realistically, RISD won’t accept some weeaboo
      -My toes hate coffee tables
      -Why did they put two ‘L’s in ‘llama’?
      -Why do zombies want brains? Do they taste better than limbs?
      -Human Existence?
      -Corn bags
      The last one is a long story…

  14. I seem to be a really good listener. People often tell me if they can vent to me about things, which I appreciate because that lets me know they trust me. The big reason behind this is that I’m usually able to have a different perspective on things rather than jump to conclusions on one subject. For example, my friend’s boyfriend broke up with her. I asked her why and she said he had feelings for our other friend. Then we went into if she still loved him and if she was still happy in the relationship, which she wasn’t. This lead onto whether she was happy for her ex and our friend, which she was. My point is, rather than skipping to conclusions and blaming people that didn’t do any wrong, we dug deeper, which I try to do with all my problems.

  15. I have “Words to Live By”. “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful”. Everyone and everything was placed on this Earth for a season, reason or a lifetime. It is up to us to decide where we fit in the scheme of things and at the same time bring whatever gifts/talents we may have to the table to make the World a better place. I have a unique “laugh” and have often been told that it is very catchy, mostly because it is loud so it is bound to be “contagious”. I have worked for 2 Ophthalmologists for the past 6 years and we see a repeat of patients regularly. They are disappointed when they don’t hear my laughter so I do my best not to disappoint them.

  16. Okay, so something that I believe makes me unique is that I tend to rely on references and inside jokes regarding my sense of humor. Yet somehow everyone tells me I’d be a good stand up comedian. I just don’t let things go which causes me to make jokes about things that once made me really upset. It’s twisted but I love it.

  17. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t break into song every time someone said something that was remotely related to it. I was talking with someone during homeroom and they said “So I was at the corner store and I got this hat for 99 cents…” and I literally started singing Macklemore “IT WAS 99 CENTS! BAG IT COPPIN’ IT-” We had a full on concert in homeroom, it was amazing. But after that my dad and I were in the kitchen with my mom and my dad asked her what she wanted for dinner and she replied with “It doesn’t really matter to me.” This lead to both my dad and I screaming “NOTHING REALLY MATTERS, ANYONE CAN SEE, NOTHING REALLY MATTERS, NOTHING REALLY MATTERS, TO MEEEE.” I guess it runs in the family.

  18. I tend to only wear large tee shirts with random, witty shiz on it, baggy pants, and sneakers. People tell me that I dress like a guy so instead of laughing it off like I usually do, I straight up said “You should try it sometime. It’s probably waaay more comfortable than wearing 5-inch heels and a dress you gotta pull down every five seconds.”

  19. I love self development. I continue striving to be the best I can and will ever be. I love hard, give a lot of myself and at times I’m taken for granted however I believe in living a life of Gratitude. When things around you are overwhelming find peace and solidarity. Live a life of love and light. Be someones sunshine during rainy days. Always lend an ear or hand. Each one reach two!

  20. No matter how much someone hurts me, I will always find a way to forgive them. People do deserve a second chance. I will give too many chances but people can change in my opinion.

  21. I am a very loyal person. I will do anything I can to help someone else. I will 95% of the time put others first even when I’m exhausting myself to do so. I will give freely to someone in need, but second guess doing for myself. I have a huge heart that wants to save the world!

  22. My ability to observe. I can’t compete with others though I was told many of times comparing one self to another only brings you down. My thoughts are louder than my mouth and when I watch people I learn so much about them by remaining silent.

  23. I am an eternal optimist and I always see the best in people. Often to my detriment because I do not always see them as they truly are, but as I want them to be or how they COULD be.

  24. My participation in music in various forms makes me unique. I love to sing- karaoke-and I still play the clarinet and piano as much as possible. The first as part of a community jazz band (my former junior high band director leads it- he’s retired but not lol) and the other is for my enjoyment. Without music in my life, I feel awful!

  25. This is partly how I see myself, partly what others say…all of it is true.
    I have an uncommon capacity for love, understanding, & forgiveness. I have captivating eyes. People love my beautiful smile. I am an empath, an altruist, enormous compassion, a discerning spirit, and an eye for aesthetics. I have a rare ability to look through situations to see what’s beyond or behind…be it rain or snow, people’s troubling situations, or hidden treasures (beautiful hearts included). I can find a source of light in the darkest of situations or hearts, and I see beauty where others never think to look.
    I am mischievous, have a great sense of humor, & I’m hippy-cool!
    A friend said, I’m “a free-spirited hippy from a bygone era; not stuck in norms; not existing, but LIVING!”
    YEAH! I am amazing & beautiful!

  26. Avid kpop lover
    Whenever I’m feeling distressed/depressed, listening to kpop or looking at moonbyul from mamamoo solves EVERYTHING and cheers me back up almost immediately!:)

  27. I’m ME because I’m always changing, making mistakes, learning and moving on! I see myself as a progression now as I move through my 60’s where in my earlier years I thought I was working to become a finished product!

  28. One thing that makes me quirky and unique is my heart. I’ve been broken, damaged, and hurt from a young age but I am healing, growing, whole and beautifully me… I still love with all that I am (in spite of it). #Godisgood!

  29. At birth my nose was flat to my face due to birth defects, I had one surgery when I was 14 but I still have an imperfect nose. One side is bigger than the other. At 50, I think of it as my mark. I thought about getting it fixed, but then I had a feeling of I wouldn’t be me. My nose is different and it is part of what makes me, me.

  30. I think what makes me quirky is my imagination. I come up with Sarah theories all the time usually they are far fetched but on occasion my friends will say one of them may be right! Also my imagination is a wild thing that leads me astray quite often.

  31. Something that makes me *ME* is my hability to look everything from diferents perspectives, to be able to think things trough(sometimes too much) before acting. My love for philosophy, my endless curiosity for everything makes me keep being amazed of the world around me

  32. Because I do not believe in inanimate objects. I think there is a spirit, an essence, that inhabits every thing on the planet and when elements are combined to create more complex units, that brings its own vibe.

  33. I Am a perpetual 4 year old.
    I dance whenever I hear a song I like. I Am a hugger. I Love creative arts and I can still manage to approach the world most days with childlike wonder. I also think that Fairies are pretty groovy little Beings.

  34. What makes me me is my heart. I’ll give the shirt off my back to someone in need. I love passionately and I care deeply about other people. I don’t hold grudges and I forgive those who have wronged me easily.

  35. I am quirky and unique in that I love to challenge myself. I always want to be my best self so I take classes, run races, and push myself to grow. And I enjoy it very much and share my enthusiasm with my children, colleagues, and loved ones.

  36. Something that makes me unique is that although I suffer from anxiety every time I have a down fall I come back stronger than ever! I am coming back strong now and when I am me and happy I am smiley, fun to be around, driven, and fun! I feel good again and I can’t wait to share some positive vibes with everyone around me 🙂

  37. I’m interested in just about everything and I like to share what I have seen and heard with others. So, I know a little bit about almost every thing and alot about a few things. Like a strange walking encyclopedia.

  38. I can sense or feel others emotions, in my self. I am a very, very deep person, nothing is just on the surface. Nothing is just black or white. A person’s beautiful smile doesn’t cover up the sadness in their eyes or the loneliness in their heart. At times it hurts me, especially when I am unable to help them.

  39. One thing that makes me quirky and unique is that I’m never satisfied with pat answers. I always dig deeper below the surface continuingly searching for everything else that hasn’t been said. I know there is more and I love the moment when others have an awakening to the depths of their own thinking.

  40. I love to explore the tiniest details of the world. I’ll stop to smell the roses and then I’ll see a spider or squirrel or beautiful rock/leaf and I’m off on another adventure in my head. I’ve been like this since I was a kid. Now I take a camera with me so I can share my vision of the world.

  41. I have 18 cats.
    They are my teachers and I am better for it.
    They teach me good stretching exercises, unconditional love and comfort, what not to eat, all kinds of things on so many levels and I try to emulate for others making me a better friend.

  42. I am an emotional empath. I can deeply feel what others are experiencing emotionally, especially when they don’t verbally express it. This divine gift allows me to connect with the spirit of individuals I interact with.

  43. I am unique, as a child of God, I love and cherish everything that I have. I am grateful even though there is disappointment in life. God has wonderful plans for me. God has saved my life several times. Love bears all things, believes all things, endures all things, love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:7-8
    I am blessed. ??

  44. What makes me quirky and unique …. I get along with most people. I find most people can tell me deep dark secrets. I have strong emotional connection to people, it is hard to explain.

  45. I love talking back to the television like the people on it are real people. I generally don’t do it when other people are watching TV with me, but when I’m alone I love doing it.

  46. I have a scar on my right shoulder that is pretty large. I’ve had it as long as I can remember. I got it when I was 1 1/2 years old. I accidentaly dumped hot tea on myself while my mum wasn’t looking. I was really insecure about it at first, but now I have come to accept it. That also helped me to accept other imperfections of my body.

  47. Laughing out loud and no one knows why im laughing so im quirky that way and my unique way is that im always the immediator problem solver,advice giver but thats me and i love it.

  48. One thing that makes me unique is that I am very individualistic. I am my own person, nobody else can be just like me and I can’t be just like anyone else. In the winter I wear rain boots almost every day. Hey wait, it’s summer and I just wore them yesterday. I am not afraid to be me. I make a choice every day to be the best me I can be, by doing the best I can with the tools and skills I have. I am a living example for my daughter. She is learning from every thing I do. I get to stay true to myself in order to teach her how to be who she wants to be.

  49. I am unique because I am autistic, this means I can understand people just by looking at them. I moved continent twice to help my parents build a church without complaining about leaving my school friends. And I’m not your average girl – I like motorbikes, fast speeds, riding horses, climbing, etc. God is my hero and He is inside of me 🙂

  50. Every person is a unique individual. Well for me, when i fail i try again and again i don’t accept giving up quickly i try my best to achieve my goals even if they sound imaginary. In addition to that i have a big heart and i am so careful.
    So every person is unique in his own way so this is the reason why you should be proud of yourself that you are different and this is what gives you the power and the opportunity to accomplish great things in life

  51. I love to be loud and dramatic. The more dramatic the bette. Whenever I am around my family, they can’t help but laugh at me because of the loud and dramatic things that I say. I like to make them laugh, it’s one of my calls every day. I should be an actress or something. As a matter fact I’m going to Broadway

  52. My laugh! My sense of humor gives a unique perspective on life’s events! My eyes show my soul that welcomes people to open up to me and my heart fills them with hope!

  53. I like to juggle. Not just 3 balls, but all types of juggling. I don’t make time to practice, unfortunately. I would like to do shows for people in nursing homes and in hospitals one day.

    • Turn your “one day” into a specific date.
      Write down your goal, including the date you want to accomplish it by. Then, list the set of actions you must take to reach that dream (ie. Practice 3 days per week, meet activity coordinator for these sites, network to build connections, make cards to give out with contact info, etc.)
      Dreams that are not written down are only wishes.
      Take the first step today.

  54. I care deeply for people and cry for people’s pain that I dont even know. I will help anyone no matter who they are, sometimes at the detriment of myself. I love deeply.

  55. I like to collect things; I have different collections of fun, pretty things…teacups, Nutcrackers, stickers, seashells, marbles…and I give them to people I love.

  56. I’m a little unconventional. Or a lot. I don’t own a kitchen table. I sleep in a bunk bed. I trim ALL the grass in my front yard with sheers. I love clouds and “dreary” weather. I’m extremely shy and quiet, but I love (nice) people. I’m hopelessly addicted to Diet Mountain Dew. I’m drawn to quirky people. And, apparently, I’m incapable of sharing *one thing*! ?

  57. Something that makes me unique is my tender heart. I feel EVERY single emotion x 1,000 it’s a blessing and a curse. I am extremely passionate and it sometimes gets me hurt. I want everyone around me to be happy with me and if they aren’t my emotions go haywire especially the ones I love the most. But I’m very passionate and it’s a beautiful thing i’m sensitive and soooo loving. I don’t like to hurt others and I hate seeing others hurt others. I am amazing!!!!!

  58. One thing that helps make me quirky and unique is my smile. I genuinely believe that smile, and the whole world smiles with you. So, I smile. I smile often. I smile when I’m happy and I smile when I’m sad. I smile when I don’t know what else to do. Smiling not only helps those on the outside, but it also helps me on the inside.

    • I can so relate to this Damita. This is me too. I smile often even when I am scared, confused or sad. I smile because I want to spread goodness to the world. I have been able to strike deep and meaningful conversations I meet on public transports and turn them into friends. I am blessed. ?

  59. I can make a difference!!!
    Make a Difference for ONE!

    Had a short texting conversation with one of my nearest and dearest best friends….

    If I can make a difference for one person in this world… then ALL the turmoil that I’ve had to go through is worth it. If I am able to help one person in this lifetime then everything is now worth it.

    Wouldn’t it be easier to go through all that we endure if we knew that we made a difference for many???? But sometimes… so many times… there may only be ONE…. do it for them! Every single time…. do it for them!!!!

  60. One thing that makes me unique is my big heart, I always forgive those who have hurt me emotionally, mentally & even physically and it’s hard but I still do it. I’m also nice to those who are mean to me & walk all over me. What makes me quirky is my whacky sense of humor, I just think the stupidest things are funny sometimes. I even can quote an entire movie if I know it well enough.

  61. Something that makes me “quirky and unique” is that I love to write songs! I mostly write them for my girls (wife and two adopted baby girls), but I’ve written them for most of my family members and even wrote one for a friend to do their first dance at their wedding! My favorite songs are the ones that I write improvising on the spot. They’re usually silly stupid, but get everyone laughing 🙂

  62. I find I am more giving and grateful. I always show gratitude and I extended myself even to the point it may not be the best thing for myself. But I feel I need to give where I can(and sometimes when u can’t but feel I need to). I care too much and feel too much. I feel that make me very unique.

    • People will tell you not to do this. Don’t listen!! 🙂
      As long as you find a balance so you don’t hurt yourself, this is a beautiful quality.

  63. I’m often told I have a unique perspective. I’m good at thinking outside the box and coming up with creative and logical solutions to problems. This is the quality that most people find attractive in me.

  64. Something that makes me, me is my endless curiosity in others. In a way that I am very impressionable and adopt qualities that I admire. And since nobody else will every meet and interact with the same set of humans and experience as me I will continue to develop into a more and more unique person.

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