TRANSTORMING - cleansing outgrown energy

TRANSTORMING – cleansing outgrown energy

⏱️ 1 min

Today, let's embrace the storms in life as a necessary process to release, transform, and refresh.

Today, let's embrace the storms in life as a necessary process to release, transform, and refresh.

As the chaos of stormy change creates waves of discomfort, know there is valuable information here that is supporting us in the evolution of our growth. This is the time to notice the exhilarating opportunities, to release what no longer serves, and receive the gift of fresh new perspectives. Even if you're unsure what the storm is about, hold your ground. The storm will most certainly pass and the gifts of its progression will soon be revealed.

What storm are you experiencing in life right now?

How can this storm serve to free you and open you to new creative energy?

Breathe in and out and be aware of yourself.

Scan from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.

​What do you feel and what is happening in your body?


What gifts have you received from a recent life storm?

We'd love to hear in the comments below!

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