Uncover Patterns and Conditionings That Hold the Key to Unlocking Our Creative Freedom

⏱️ 2 min

Today, let's use our creative journaling session to uncover patterns and conditionings that want our healing attention. Prefer to listen? 👇 Intention Inspired · Uncover Patterns and Conditionings That Hold the Key to Unlocking Our Creative Freedom   I intentionally use my creativity to become self-aware and to heal. Art opens the closets, airs out ... Read more

Today, let's use our creative journaling session to uncover patterns and conditionings that want our healing attention.


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I intentionally use my creativity to become self-aware and to heal.

Art opens the closets, airs out the cellars and attics.  It brings healing.

– Julia Cameron

People have been relying on the arts to communicate, express themselves, and heal for thousands of years.

We think of the creative journal as a “new” form of creative expression but visual journaling has been a way of documenting ideas, questions, and observations since there has been paper and writing media.  Leonardo da Vinci was probably the most famous in the late 1400's.


I am the artist of my own life.

It is possible to use our daily creative expression for greater self-awareness and healing.

Being able to express visually allows us to say what needs to be said without actually saying the words.  That can be useful when the words might be hard to say.  As we observe, we uncover our patterns and conditioning and begin to understand the changes we could make.  We also begin to realize that embracing ourselves-all of ourselves-both the dark and the light of ourselves, is a necessity.  We can use our journal to integrate.  Along with gaining balance, reducing stress, releasing traumas, and a host of other benefits expanding our creativity can help us heal.  We are just beginning to learn the full scope of how a daily creative expression can enhance our lives.

Have you seen benefits-emotional, spiritual, physical, or mental-from your creative practice?


We may not be able to express our creativity like Leonardo da Vinci but we do have many creative ideas daily.


Let's do a page of ideas,  poetry, quotes, brilliant musings with simple sketches or doodles.  Just let your ideas flow freely.

If no ideas come to mind practice sketching things around you.  Eyes, cups, grapes, paintbrushes, body parts, smiles, balloons, tools…the possibilities are endless.

Write little tidbits of brilliance around your sketches.

I Am Grateful for




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