Morning Routine: WORTHY 😇 acknowledging our Greatness and creating courageous boundaries

⏱️ 3 min

Today, let's honor our worthiness by acknowledging our Greatness and creating courageous boundaries around our morning routine.


Prefer to listen as you honor your worthiness?

Click play below for a reading of today's intentional session from co-founder Matt.


Today, let's honor our worthiness by acknowledging our Greatness and creating courageous boundaries around our morning routine.



“I am the one who is the most worthy of my time and energy.

I can lovingly serve at my best when I first serve myself.

I take as much time as I need to nourish myself so that I can act in harmony with my Truest self.

When I operate from this place of alignment, I am able to love more, serve more, enjoy more, create more, and be more.


Ana Marie Cox

Political Columnist and Culture Critic

I get up between 7:00 and 7:30 A.M., though I'm always planning on getting up earlier. I pray and set an intention for the day. If I have time, I'll do a five-minute meditation and morning pages. Ideally, I'll have waited until after the meditative stuff to check my phone to make sure nothing has blown up, literally or figuratively. If things are relatively normal, I make my coffee (a ritual unto itself) and read something not on a screen for twenty to thirty minutes. If things are not normal, if there's some huge story that will overtake my day anyway, I'll turn on the TV and start reading up on it online.

I say an evening prayer and remind myself of my intention for that day. I also set out my journal, with a pen, for the following morning.

– My Morning Routine (2018), pg 261


Explore the following self-inquiries and free-flow journal about whatever comes up:

  • Why is it often easier to prioritize other people's desires above my own?
  • What aspects of myself I am trying to avoid by focusing on others instead of myself?
  • How can I honor the fact that I am the one who is most worthy of my time and energy?

“Boundaries are an act of self-love.”

As you repeat today's mantra, allow it to serve as a reminder of your worthiness and why creating courageous boundaries are an essential element to an effective morning routine.



Let's honor our worthiness by treating our morning routine as the most important meeting of the day.

This meeting with our Self, after all, has a massive impact on the rest of the day's meetings, appointments, and unfoldings.

What is one thing you can do to create a courageous boundary around your morning routine?

  • leave my phone in Airplane Mode until my Morning Routine is complete
  • ask my housemates to wait until 10 am before asking anything of me
  • declutter my morning space from distractions each evening before bed



How about you?

What courageous boundary around your morning routine are you excited to try?

Share it with us in the comments below or on our private Morning Routine Activity Feed.

Today's intentional session is a small excerpt from our 7-Day Morning Routine journey that we think you'd love!

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Morning Routine Journey

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