CONFIDENT - trusting direct expeirence

CONFIDENT – trusting direct experience

⏱️ 1 min

Today, let's cultivate the confidence to trust in our potential to meet whatever arises.

Today, let's cultivate the confidence to trust in our potential to meet whatever arises.

Confidence is built from faith. Faith is cultivated through direct experience. Being faithfully confident in oneself comes from the willingness to open to the mystery of being and to merge with whatever arises with an active awareness.

The more we remain present with what is, the less opportunity reactive patterns have to distract us from engaging with our direct experience. This active awareness of whatever we are experiencing strengthens our capacity to respond confidently to whatever arises in daily life, rather than react. Doubt and hesitation evaporate. We rely less on what other people say. Such confidence comes only from the direct experience of practice, so let's keep practicing!

What practice helps you confidently show up to the present moment?

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