7 Days of Morning Routine

Introducing 🌅 7 Days of Morning Routine

⏱️ 4 min

How we start our day sets the tone for the rest of it. Join us for the next 7 days as we play with our morning routine!

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The intention of this self-guided journey is to inspire creative action into the first moments of our day so that we can be in more alignment with our highest self and deepest intentions.

Why spend 7 days refining your Morning Routine?

How we start our day sets the tone for the rest of it.

When we awake from a well-rested slumber, we are nourished and aligned.  As the day unfolds, external influences demand our energy, and internal noise clutters the mind. If we're running on autopilot, we can quickly lose ourselves to the daily shuffle and to the desires of others.

Our morning routine nurtures our deepest intentions into inspired action.

When we start each day with our Self, we gain clarity into who we are (self-awareness), what is most important (set intentions), and how to get it (inspired action).

Our morning routine helps us focus on what is in front of us and where to prioritize our time. From this place of clarity, we are more prepared to move through the day with focused intention, empowered decision-making, and aligned action.

As we refocus and reprioritize our deepest sense of Self first thing in the morning, what is most important naturally surfaces to our consciousness, and those trivial things that have been consuming our precious energy fade to nothingness.

Over time, we craft an ever-changing morning practice that consistently shows us what is most important to us at the moment … (love, joy, creativity, flow, fulfillment, happiness, freedom, equanimity).

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What to expect on this journey.

Over the next 7 days, and hopefully forever beyond it, we will be gifting ourselves at least 15 minutes each morning to lay a clear and focused foundation that the rest of the day can blossom from.

Each morning, we will be served with a daily intentional session that includes a variety of positive, healthy inspirations that help us see things in a new light.

You are encouraged to make each daily session your own and find what works for you. Our morning routine is uniquely suited for each of us as we continue to experiment and adjust.

Here are some of the inspirations you can expect to experience along the journey:


What you'll get from our intentional community.

As a member and participant, you'll get a few great benefits:

  • Part of something bigger. By participating in any of our intentional journeys, you're a valued member of our overarching Intention Inspired community of self discoverers. You’ll be able to connect with the community in our private Activity Feed (think about it as our own Facebook newsfeed with Journeys and other activity all in one place).
  • Get results. As you dive into the journey and meet the community here, you're on a path of self-mastery. While it's not necessarily easy, the transformation we'll get together is profound.
  • Access exclusive content. Behind the scenes of Intention Inspired, we're committed to our own morning practice of self-discovery. Meanwhile, we deeply enjoy creating and sharing inspirations and practices with one and other that support our intentional lives.
  • Meet new people. Our intentional fam is as motivated as you are to practice what we're exploring here as we individually find what works for us. Accountability, encouragement, and further inspiration are just a few reasons why we journey better when we journey together!

Meet your Morning Routine host:

Hi there  👋  Matt here

I'm the co-founder and co-self-discoverer here at Intention Inspired.

Throughout all 20+ journeys we've created and moved through together here I've found that a morning routine has been essential to help me stay dedicated and motivated to my own journey of self-discovery.

So tada 🎉 this journey was selfishly inspired to deepen my own devotional practice to Self and invite our beloved community to do the same.

I look forward to hearing what works for you and how your morning routine evolves as you discover more about magnificent beautiful you.

I'm always standing by and would be delighted to offer whatever support I can. Feel free to send me a direct message anytime.

Ready to commune with your Self each morning and nurture your deepest intentions?

Click here to get started!

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