Colorful Creativity: Releasing Your Majekal Inner Child

⏱️ 3 min

Being able to access our magical, creative child is an important part of creative expression. Here are a few exercises to do just that!

Today, let's tap into our inner child and access the spontaneous freedom of experimentation in our art and our life, so that we can find joy and wonder in our creative expression.


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It took me four years to paint like Rembrandt, but a lifetime to paint like a child.

– Pablo Picasso

What do you think Picasso meant when he said the quote above?

Children create in a magical state.  Until rules or conditioning begin to dampen their imagination they exhibit a freedom to their creativity.  They do not realize it but their experimentation with everything is all the expression of their creativity. To them it is just their natural state of being.  To children the world is a wonder, a playground and canvas to be decorated.



I am a creative being.  Each moment I create my reality.

We have spoken about this childlike state of creativity before.  I think it bears further reflection because finding and feeling that magical creative state of being can not only change our “art”.  It can change our life as well.

What makes us discard that sense of wonder and playful experimentation? What makes us begin to believe that our creativity has less value?  Why do we allow our creative inner child (or our curious inner child, or our vulnerable inner child, or our magical inner child) take a back seat to the grown up, responsible, “rational” parts of our personality?  This phenomenon happens so often that it has to be more than just someone else saying we aren't creative.  That is what I normally hear.  Someone with “authority” in our early years creates a creativity wound and that may be the total story.  As important as our creativity is to our growth, our relationships and communications, our joy in the moment it seems like these questions might require deeper ponderings.

Let's have some fun tapping into our Magical Creative Inner Child:

  1. Grab a box of crayons and a coloring book, and invite your Inner Critic to join in! Then, color outside the lines and let your imagination run wild.
  2. Look to your left and pick the first object you see. Imagine it's a magical creature and describe its personality, habits, and home in a storybook-like fashion.
  3. Choose a living thing (plant, animal, or insect) and observe it with childlike curiosity. Draw or paint its features, textures, and colors. Imagine its life and create a story about it.
  4. Create a multi-layered, abstract work of art with no specific subject in mind. Use vibrant colors and let your intuition guide you. Don't think too much, just let your creativity flow!



Let's take a moment to appreciate the joy, wonder, and a sense of playfulness in our lives.

These states of being of allow us to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and find new solutions.

How magical indeed that this kind of creative expression can be a form of self-care and a way to de-stress and unwind, which is something we can all be grateful for.

Being able to access our Magical, Creative child is an important part of creative expression.

What did you discover about your colorful come up with today?  Please share your creativity and observations in the Activity Feed.

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