BORN - the drama of life before birth

Reflecting on the Drama of Life Before Birth

⏱️ 1 min

Today, let's look at life before birth to deepen into the magical mystery of what it means to be alive.


Today, let's look at life before birth to deepen into the magical mystery of what it means to be alive.

The mere fact we exist is quite miraculous. The way we came into this existence is an unsurpassable work of art that is hard to believe.

The book A Child Is Born by Swedish photojournalist Lennart Nilsson is reportedly the first photographic record of the development of a human being (from sperm to embryo to fetus), making it one of the best-selling illustrated books ever published. Yet many people never saw those pictures of human life before birth. So without further adou, enjoy looking into the magical process of how we came to being.

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