🤩 CREATIVITY – 7 ways to expand limiting beliefs and grow in self-awareness

⏱️ 4 min

Today, let's observe ourselves in varied creative practices, use imagination and curiosity to problem solve, know and love who we truly are at our core, and have FUN while doing it.


Our final addition to the Self Awareness “tool kit” in our 3 Days of Self Awareness Journey is Creativity.

We saved it until the end of our three self-awareness tools because it is where we get to use our understanding of judgment and our powers of observation. It is also our favorite way of becoming self-aware at Intention Inspired and expanding our connection to self.



Listen to today's intentional session below:


Most of us have at least a small amount of trauma around the idea of “being creative”.

We hear the word and think the ARTS, unusually gifted, not a valid use of our time and energy, something we are not talented enough to achieve. We may have come to the conclusion that we are not creative on our own or received “well-meant” advice from another. It is equally possible that we were, straight up, discouraged from any creative pursuit. If any of that resonates with you, you are not alone. We may have been conditioned to believe that we are not “Creative” and now have a very narrow view of how important our ability to CREATE actually is. We must redefine these old beliefs if we are to become Self Aware.

Take a moment to journal about what “creativity” means to you.



First, understand that CREATIVITY is not a gift given to a few.

It is an innate human capability. We are all creative beings. Not one advancement, peace agreement, technological invention, space flight, or equitable mediation could have happened without human creativity. Creativity is the birthplace of new concepts, imagination, experimentation, and problem-solving.

We are creating our reality every moment through our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Creativity is the solution to better communication, changing anxiety to excitement, boosting self-esteem, and providing the courage to be vulnerable about who we are.

“i create my own reality …” creative journal page by Marva



So how do we redefine old beliefs in order to grow in self-awareness?

  1. We reframe judgment and understand that there is nothing “wrong” with us because we “judge”.  We learn to stop judging ourselves.  We will consider that a judgment may be the way we understand and feel comfortable in the world around us. You will know if you feel that your judgments cause you more stress or a discordant emotional state.  Because you understand how to observe yourself you can modify your reactionary behavior in the moment.
  2. We approach the unknown with curiosity and courage.  Any anxiety we prefer to call excitement (all a matter of perception).  We keep a journal of our dreams, our values, gratitude and what causes us to react.
  3. We spend as much time as possible focused in this moment and in a feeling place of joy and gratitude.
  4. When our body tells us that a stress response is eminent we pause and focus on our breathing.  We ask questions, of ourselves or others, to gain clarity without judgment of right or wrong.
  5. We spend time in nature, meditate, and have a releasing ritual for beliefs or behaviors that do not serve us.
  6. WE PLAY and EXPERIMENT and keep in close contact with our creative inner child.  The world around us fascinates us so much that we have almost no time to be anything other than blissful.
  7. We commit to a daily practice of creative expression-if you would like to know more about this there are some good articles in the Art Room that not only explain creativity but also gives you ideas for creative expression.  We are beginning our Spring Creative Journal on March 20 and I hope you will join us!

What all 7 practices above have in common is that they are all creative solutions.

This is how we create our reality.  By using our Creativity we can become more self-aware.  By observing ourselves in varied creative practices, using our imaginations and curiosity to problem solve, keep moving forward focused on the journey and this moment, we can know and love who we truly are at our core and have FUN while doing it.

Which of these practices are you willing to commit to become more self-aware?


What about you? What inspired you during today's intention on creativity?

Feel free to share in the comments below or in the Self-Awareness Activity Feed.

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