Three Qualities to Recognize Our Deepest Intention

⏱️ 3 min

Today, let's get back in touch with our deepest intention so that we can live in more alignment with the truth of what we really are.


Listen to Matt share today's intention as you relax and reflect on your deepest sense of self. 🎧✨👇

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Today, let's get back in touch with our deepest intention so that we can live in more alignment with the truth of what we really are.

When we are in touch with our deepest intention, we embody a sincere loving presence that manifests beauty, freedom, and love. Let's feel more into this core of what we are by remembering, embodying, and inhabiting the deepest yearnings of an awakening heart.

“Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself, “What is my truest intention?”

Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it's right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it.”

― Oprah Winfrey


Our deepest intention is what we are.

When we go really deep, beyond the survival-mode intentions, we find that our deeper intention is love—that's what we are.

Beyond the limbic intentions that run off of patterns of the past and anxieties of the future, we find that our deeper intention is awareness—that's what we are.

Beyond our egoic desires, our deeper intention is connectedness—that's what we are.

Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty.

― Rumi


Three qualities to recognize our deepest intention:

  1. Our deepest intention is embodieddoes my whole body resounds with a passionate yes?
  2. Our deepest intention applies nowdoes this intention relate to this present moment?
  3. Our deepest intention is manifesting potential—does this intention inspire and ignite my creative life force energy?


Taking a moment to feel your body breathing you.

Feel the life that's here.

Reflecting on the truth of impermanence.

Letting the fact that everything will change, awaken us to our deepest aspirations.

If you had a year to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would your longing be? What would matter? Letting this be as real as it can be.

If you had a week to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would really matter to your heart?

If you had a day to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would really matter to your heart? What would you long for? What would you care about?

If you had just a few moments to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would your heart long for? What would most matter?

Letting this longing fill your mind, body, and heart.

Whatever the longing … for love, for light, for healing, for connection, for peace … letting it be as big as it is

Filling your whole being with this liberating intention.

“For I have learned that every heart will get What it prays for Most.”

— Hafez


If this was your last day to live, what would you do?

We'd love to hear in the comments below!

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