REWIRE 🧠 embrace abundance by transcending financial fears

REWIRE 🧠 transcending financial fears with loving awareness

⏱️ 11 min

Today, let's confront our fears and misconceptions about money so that we can embrace prosperity with purpose.

30 Days of Money

Create Financial Freedom with the 30 Days of Money Journey.

Matt will guide you through each day with short actionable video sessions that include timeless financial wisdom, practical money-making exercises, and wealth-building habits. Each day's 15-minute session will help reveal blind spots, provide insights into your emotional relationship with money, and ultimately help bring more money into your bank account! 🤑🙌


Today, let's confront our fears and misconceptions about money so that we can embrace prosperity with purpose.

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Listen to Matt's reading of today's session on YouTube »


The most inspiring takeaway from Robert Kiyosaki, renowned entrepreneur, investor, and author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad“, is his statement, “Don't work for money, make money work for you“. The principle of making money work for you breaks the conventional belief system that ties earning to hard labor. It invites us to change our perception of money from a finite resource to an accessible tool that can be leveraged. Today's intention is all about understanding that money, much like any other resource, can and should be used to better our lives and the lives of others.

Key actionable takeaways:

  • 💡 Understand your relationship with money.
  • 📈 Invest in incoming-generating assets.
  • 💞 Use wealth for purposeful living.

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream and how you handle disappointment along the way.

– Robert Kiyosaki

A study by Cambridge University revealed that our money habits are formed by the age of seven.

This implies that our financial attitudes and behaviors are deeply ingrained and might need significant effort to transform. We can, however, rewire our brains and form new empowering habits by consistently practicing financial literacy. Embrace this opportunity to reshape your financial future.


In today's 6-minute meditation, let's explore and transform our unconscious beliefs about money, making space for abundant thinking.

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My thoughts, beliefs, and actions align with prosperity and abundance.


Let's take a moment to reflect on how money is currently working to enhance our life.

What money beliefs and practices help you cultivate a more joyous state of being?

Cherish these instances and express thankfulness for them.


Reflect on your less-than-fun relational dynamics with money.

Where might you experience anxiety or fear with money?

Where might you be unconsciously blocking the flow of money?

Dig deep into the reasons behind these feelings. Even if we don't pinpoint the formative events and core beliefs we have around money, the more awareness we bring to our conditioned behaviors and current beliefs is what begins the process of dismantling the power they have over us and provide us with the opportunities to rewire a more abundant and joyful relationship with money.


Let's recognize protective parts within us that hold fear or anxiety about money, extend loving awareness towards them, and invite healing into these spaces.

This process involves recognizing and acknowledging the part of you that holds onto financial fear or scarcity – let's call this part “Scared Saver.” Recognize that this part of us developed out of necessity, perhaps as a way to navigate past financial instability or uncertainty.

  1. Self-Connection 🧘‍♂️ Start by grounding yourself. Feel your feet on the ground, your breath moving in and out. This state of Self is characterized by qualities of curiosity, compassion, and calmness.
  2. Getting to Know the Scared Saver 👂 Invite the Scared Saver into your awareness. Ask it what it's afraid of. What does it believe about money and about your capacity to generate wealth? Listen without judgment.
  3. Unburdening 🕊️ Tell your Scared Saver that it's safe now, that it's okay to trust in abundance. Acknowledge its fear, validate its experiences, but gently assure it that those fears are based on past experiences, and the present moment offers a chance for growth and abundance.
  4. Introducing the Prosperous Self 🌟 Once the Scared Saver feels heard and acknowledged, introduce the Prosperous Self. This is the part of you that believes in your capacity to attract and manage wealth. Let your Scared Saver know that the Prosperous Self will be taking the lead on financial decisions moving forward.
  5. Consolidation 🤝 Spend a few moments allowing the Scared Saver and the Prosperous Self to integrate this new understanding. Express gratitude towards the Scared Saver for its protective role and towards the Prosperous Self for stepping into leadership.

By doing this practice, you're not eliminating the Scared Saver, but instead healing its fear, acknowledging its purpose, and moving forward with a more constructive mindset towards money.


Robert Kiyosaki invites us to focus on acquiring more income-generating assets, over the long haul. An asset is something that puts money in your pocket, and a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.

Here are a few examples to get your gears turning on where you might be able to eliminate costly liabilities and invite in more money-making assets:

📈 Assets:

  • Real Estate Properties
  • Stocks and Bonds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Businesses
  • Intellectual Property (patents, copyrights, etc.)
  • Creative side-hustles
  • Book or song royalties
  • Vintage comic book collection
  • A YouTube channel with a substantial subscriber base
  • An overproductive vegetable garden
  • A vending machine in a busy location
  • Chickens (if you sell the eggs)
  • Beehives (if you sell the honey)

📉 Liabilities:

  • Credit Card Debt
  • Car Loans
  • Mortgages
  • Student Loans
  • Your “money pit” hobby like a costly vintage car restoration
  • Boat or yacht (unless it's rented out)
  • A wardrobe full of designer clothes
  • Expensive gym membership you never use
  • Your pet tiger (extremely high upkeep!)
  • A haunted house causing you to lose sleep
  • An avocado toast addiction
  • Your collection of high-end, single-malt whiskies
  • An out-of-control Beanie Baby collecting habit

How can you change your perspective on money to make it work for you, rather than against you?

What is one asset category that excites you to cultivate?

What is one liability category that is draining your bank account more than it needs to?


I am confident in my financial wisdom and prosperity.

Money is a canvas. Prosperity is a masterpiece.

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Kudos to continuing to explore your relationship with money and having the courage to change something up! You're on the path of purposeful prosperity. Slow and steady. Your future self is stoked!

What did you discover about yourself in today's session?

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