I am Self-Aware Meditation

⏱️ 3 min

One of the greatest benefits we receive from practicing meditation is self-awareness. This impacts us on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Find out how to cultivate self-awareness in this meditation video.

One of the greatest benefits we get out of meditation is self-awareness. Through this mindful practice, we get to know ourselves on a very deep level. In the meditation video below, I'll show you a few techniques for finding this powerful self-awareness through meditation.

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So why would we want to be self-aware anyway?

It can be tempting to avoid ourselves at times, especially when we're feeling down. Our first instinct when we feel discomfort is to avoid it.

So many popular forms of entertainment in the world are aimed specifically at turning off the mind and shutting out the emotions:  TV, movies, sports, novels, alcohol, drugs, sex, social media, and so much more.

We've become so accustomed to tuning out. But the secret to our happiness lies in tuning in.

Researchers say that emotional avoidance is one of the main causes for psychological problems and that feeling bad is actually a good thing. (1)

We can only avoid thoughts and feelings for so long until we explode at inappropriate times or suffer endlessly from insomnia and anxiety because we are denying so much of ourselves on a daily basis.

When we allow our thoughts and feelings to rise to the surface, we actually release the power that they hold over us. Blocking out and denying feelings causes them to build and grow beneath the surface until we are finally made aware of them. If we can just bring awareness to them as they arise, we save ourselves a lot of wasted energy and stress. The sooner we process our thoughts and feels, the sooner we can find inner peace.

So self-awareness has many mental and emotional benefits.

Self-awareness has lots of physical benefits, as well. By getting to know our bodies, we can detect imbalances early on and may save ourselves from diseases or illnesses that could develop if we ignored them.

Additionally, self-awareness helps us boost our health and immunity by discovering what foods and activities best suit our bodies.

Spiritually, self-awareness helps us find the meaning in our lives and helps us discover our highest purpose.

By getting to know ourselves on a deep level, we discover who we truly are: our deepest desires and wishes. This is the guiding force that gives us clarity and direction in life. Without this inner awareness, we may feel lost, stuck, or frustrated with trying to please others but not knowing what it is that truly pleases us.

Self-awareness brings us true freedom because it empowers us to be who we are instead of fitting in with the crowd.

Meditation is one of the most helpful tools for cultivating self-awareness, as we delve into our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations to discover what's there. Learn how in the video above!

Try this meditation next:  Clear stored emotions that hold you back


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