Finding my Voice with Intention Inspired

⏱️ 6 min

In May 2017, I found myself randomly stumbling across a clip of some guy standing in a forest with a man bun telling me about “how brave I already am,” how he “guarantees it.” I had no idea that that particular clip and my subsequent sign up for 30 days of Brave with the intention ... Read more

In May 2017, I found myself randomly stumbling across a clip of some guy standing in a forest with a man bun telling me about “how brave I already am,” how he “guarantees it.” I had no idea that that particular clip and my subsequent sign up for 30 days of Brave with the intention to “open the door to new possibilities in my life” would be so life-changing.

I found Intention Inspired when I was in the process of moving across the world (from Seattle to London) to complete an MBA program. In the last two years, I have experienced profound shifts within myself as I now:

  • Believe in myself as a leader
  • Grow in my understanding of myself daily
  • Have love and compassion for myself
  • Recognize that I will never be perfect, but that in and of itself is perfect

It all started though, with beginning to understand and love all of who I am, and that was facilitated by my connection to and work with Intention Inspired.

We are moving through an evolution of Intention Inspired into a more community-based space. I am incredibly excited about this because my genuine hope is that it provides an opportunity for you to experience your own inner shifts, transformations, and expansions. We are co-creating a place to share with others and work directly with the people who wrote the courses themselves.

I have always found the material and content of Intention Inspired to be inspiring. Each course  (some of them multiple times), has allowed me to uncover and surface a deeper belief and understanding of myself. What energizes me when I think about the future of this project and where we are all going, is a deepening of that and the creation of a community where we all have the ability to share ourselves; our hopes, our fears, our struggles, our stories and our journeys with one another.

I personally find it very empowering to not only experience something but also in-turn then share it with others. It allows it to sink in that much deeper. I remember as a Member being incredibly moved by others sharing their own experiences (like Keisha and her daily pictures, or Penny and her “the only way out is through” mantra). Witnessing their strength and bravery in sharing their lives gave me the courage to stand up and share my own. I also remember longing for a deeper sense of community. I saw it patches and glimpses, but it wasn’t consistent. That is what makes me excited about the idea of all of us journeying together in whatever capacity we are able to. The goal is to help us to connect to the fact that we are not alone, in some way, shape or form we are all going through this crazy experience of life together.

My story with Intention Inspired started with me as a Member. I had just moved across the world on my own, started a new job, a master’s program and was really struggling to understand who I am. I couldn’t clearly see me, nor identify my path. Throughout the course of the last few years with my regular work with Intention Inspired and my own self-development and inner growth, that has now expanded to me as a Content Creator (30 days of Authenticity – which will launch in August 2020), as well as someone who is actively working with Matt and others to evolve and move Intention Inspired into its next phase. I share this because I don’t think my story is unique. I think we all have the ability to learn more about who we are, develop a deep understanding and love for ourselves, harness and focus on what we are passionate about and then, in turn, want to share that with the world. I share this because I honestly believe that my story, could be your story.

In January 2020, we will be launching a community space with a focus on monthly group journeys. In 2020, we will be working together to allow you to believe in the power and beauty in your own voice. I have found my own over the course of the last two years, but I fully believe and am holding the space for you to find yours, if you have not already.

You can find out more here:

It goes back to our values as a company:

We’re here to bring together people focused on self-discovery to offer a loving collaborative space so that we can inspire our most authentic self to shine.

Leading from the heart, we are cultivating presence, peace, connection, and love into our lives, one breath at a time, one inspired intention at a time.

What We Believe

  • We believe your life is sacred, integral to the whole, complete from the start.
  • We believe that letting yourself be seen should be celebrated.
  • We believe that living your truth is easier when we have each other.
  • We believe we're all on the same journey home, each with our own unique path.
  • We believe that together we accomplish more than we can ever do alone
  • We believe in empowering you to believe in the power and beauty in your own voice
  • We believe creative expression of your essential nature is your birthright

My honest and sincere hope is that join us for the ride.

You can sign up and find more details here:

We will kick this all off in just a few days starting on Jan 1st 2020 with 30 days of Bravery, but you can join us at anytime.

I look forward to journeying with you!

About Maria

I once had a job interview where the CEO of the company pulled me aside afterward to provide an unofficial mentorship opportunity. She told me to stop selling myself short, never say that “I just” do this or “I just” do that. Well, my work, is a celebration of the exact opposite. It's about coming to terms with who I am and stepping confidently into my own skin. Knowing that I am Enough, just as I am, and hopefully a similar recognition for any and all who happen to come across these pages.


You can find out more about Maria in our Intention Inspired community and here:

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