how to detox

24 Ways to Detox in 24 Hours

⏱️ 4 min

Our Co-founder Matt's favorite immune–boosting, microbiome empowering, toxin-flushing, super detoxifying mega tactics! HINT: Drink some water :)

Some favorite immune–boosting, toxin-flushing tactics!

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wakeup naturally to detoxify

1. Wake up naturally (without an alarm) to let your body’s natural circadian rhythm wake you up. This will ensure you don’t interrupt any deep stages of needed sleep.

2. Drink more water because our kidneys (AKA. toxin removers) rely heavily on lots of water to flush out metabolic waste through the bladder.

3. Go for an early brisk walk or run to get the bodily juices flowing and hike up the heart rate which will flush oxygen through our system, boost our metabolism and begin to remove the toxins from that New Year after party.

4. Breathe deeply – allows oxygen to circulate more completely through your system.

drink detox tea5. Drink teas to help fight to fight free radicals and remove the buildup of harmful substances.

6. Keep a gratitude journal – toxins are best eliminated by introducing more health into the body and mind. So starting the day by focusing on the positives will help you set a positive foundation for the day to invite more healthful detoxifying thoughts and activities.

NOTE: We're creating our first printed journal! Join our new group to follow along, participate and discover why regular reflective journaling every morning is one of the best ways to detox your mind and spirit:

7. Cut sugar and simple carbs – Simple carbs and sugar are broken down into the same thing once they’re in your system and they will only exacerbate existing toxins in the system.

8. Eat healthy fats to enable the flow of toxic waste out of your cells and allow the nutrients in.

eat fresh food

9. Eat fresh food – you’re trying to detox aren’t you?

10. Eat seasonal foods — it’s easier on the body’s digestion and improves immunity to seasonal colds and flus.

11. Clear your mind — mental space allows us to live freely and get to the root of detoxing our entire bodies, both physically and mentally.

12. Eat more fiber — Nothing trumps the detoxing power of fiber. It’s a critical component to keeping our bodies’ toxic elimination systems working properly and improving the gastrointestinal system, which is more than half the body’s immune system.

13. Digestible food – the easier it is to digest the food you eat, the more that energy can be used towards improving the immune system and fighting that cold.

14. Eat probiotics and prebiotics – such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso to also help in keeping your gut happy and healthy.


15. Yoga – this practice detoxes the mind and body by demanding a present-state awareness while twisting out toxins and stimulating the digestion, thyroid, and digestive track.

16. Cycling – this low impact exercise is great for cardiovascular blood circulation. The more the blood circulates through our system, the more toxins it can pick up along the way and flush out.

17. Sauna – sweating is one of the most effective ways toxins escape from our system.

cold shower

18. Cold Shower – this will shocking your red blood cells to ‘WAKE UP’ and start working double time!

19. Take vitamin C – helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.

20. Avoid environmental toxins – things like car exhaust, scented candles, and spray paint fumes are all potential toxins that can easily enter our body to do some serious damage.

fermented food detox

21. Eat fermented foods to ensure your gut is getting everything it needs to run smoothly and effectively dispose of waste and remove toxins.

22. No technology – regaining balance with the technology in your life is crucial to health and happiness.

23. Mindful movement – like stretching or martial arts helps both clear the mind and flush oxygen and blood through the system.

quality sleep

24. Get some quality sleep – wrapping up with work, shutting off the devices and dimming the lights lets your brain know it’s time to start preparing for bed.

Simply being aware of the many ways we can detox is the first step in implementing life-long practices into our routine. So experiment away and find what works well for you!

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