Photographic Moments with Keisha Khanyahl

⏱️ 4 min

Keisha joined Intention Inspired when we launched our first course, 30 Days of Bravery, and has been an inspiring and supportive member, since. We sat down with Keisha Khanyahl to hear what life was like for her before Intention Inspired. We were curious to know what she discovered about herself by going through 30 days ... Read more

Keisha joined Intention Inspired when we launched our first course, 30 Days of Bravery, and has been an inspiring and supportive member, since.

We sat down with Keisha Khanyahl to hear what life was like for her before Intention Inspired. We were curious to know what she discovered about herself by going through 30 days of Bravery.

“Intention Inspired was really instrumental to who I am today. When I joined in 2017, I was a completely different person. I didn’t see it coming, I had no expectations, I just knew that I didn’t like where I was in my life. I wasn’t thinking that a change would occur, but every day within the 30-day challenge there was such a significant shift. I always credit Intention Inspired with the start of my change and how I have transformed during that period.”

When asked about what life was like when she found Intention Inspired, she says, “I was really low, in fact, that’s somewhat of an understatement.” She was going through a separation with her husband and struggling to understand who she was and how to feel beautiful. Her challenge was to take a picture of herself every single day no matter what and share it with the community. It was her desire to feel better about herself and her self-image despite the chaos of her current life.

She describes Intention Inspired as a pillow, it was a beautiful safe space where she could come every day, show up and be with all of us.  “It was the first time I ever shared so much of myself.” She pushed herself every single day to be with the community and “learned so much in the process.”

As she writes: “Doing the challenge was not a waste of time. I would follow the journal prompts and post it in the group along with my picture and I began to learn so much about myself.  With every share, I became more and more self-aware.  I was very committed to the challenge, and it was helpful for me to hear feedback from other people.  We were all supporting each other.  It was fantastic.  It was what I needed at that time.”

When asked what she would do to encourage others to share themselves and be vulnerable, she says, “I would just let them know that they are loved. I love you! You are a reflection of me and I love you. However you need me to be here, whether its a punching bag or a pillow, I’m here and I love you.”

We are so grateful for Keisha and excited to see what’s to come for her. She has just written her very first book, and we wanted to close with Keisha’s own words.

     “I wanted to love myself and had no idea how.  It took a while, but today I love myself unconditionally.  Today I accept myself completely.  When I make a mistake, I love myself more.  I heard something once, in a guided meditation, that really touched me.  It was, “My parents exposed me to exactly what I needed, to know my uniqueness.,” Jess Shepherd.  When I am remembering a negative experience from the past, I look at my family and point out all of the wonderful things about them.  I know today that what I see in others is a reflection of how I perceive myself.  So instead of seeing bad in my family, I point out all of the things that make them wonderful.  Those wonderful things are reflections of what I see in myself.  On those days where I feel like I cannot find good things in someone, I love myself more.  I literally hug myself or picture myself hugging my higher self.”

As to what’s next for her? Keisha in the process of writing her own 30-day series, getting her first book published, working on her non-profit and being an incredible mother. Thanks for being here Keisha, for being you and continuing to shine your amazingly beautiful and bright light.😊🙏

To find out more about Keisha and join our new community-based platform click here:

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