intention soulful creation

💖 INTENTION – imbuing all creations with soulful energy of love, healing, and growth

⏱️ 3 min

Today, let's imbue all our creations with soulful intentions of love, healing, and growth.


Prefer to listen as you create intentionally?

Click play below for a reading of today's intentional session from co-founder Matt.


intention soulful creation

Today, let's imbue all our creations with soulful intentions of love, healing, and growth.

I vote that we “create” with intention all day long, in all situations.

When our intention is to let our souls “speak” we can heal and we can grow.  We can raise consciousness for both ourselves and the planet. This expression of feeling has been present since the first cave drawing was created and our souls feel it.

Creating with intention sets me free.


Remember yesterday we spoke of the field of energy that connects all that is?

When we are intentional about our creative process we serve this field.  When our alignment is toward healing and a feeling place of love and compassion we raise the consciousness of the field.  That in turn raises and heals all consciousness.

Each time we create (whether that is soup, a song, a painting, a mutually respectful conversation, a business…or of course, our journal pages) we imbue our creation with our energy.  That energy lives in our creation.  If our intention is to act and create with love, that soup, that song, that business, that page vibrates with that loving energy and is passed on…either to ourselves through healing or to other energy that connects to it.



Read today's affirmation out loud with purpose and intent:

“My creative expression is intertwined with my spirituality and my self-awareness.

I offer myself through my intentional practice.

I intentionally create my life.”


Our journey of self-awareness also offers us the opportunity to connect with the collective energy and add love and healing to the evolving consciousness.

That happens organically as we raise our own consciousness.

Becoming intentional about what we create fascinates me.  I really want to remember on a conscious level to send my love and healing into my creations.

Since I often forget to consciously offer my intentions into what I am creating (soup, bread, journal page, conversation)  I want to create a reminder page.

This will be our page for today:

Everything that I create is imbued with the love and healing intentions of my soul.  

Sending love and healing to a person, country, or situation across time and space through intention is another way of connecting to the collective energy.

Creative journal page by Marva Midkiff.


“As I embrace gratitude as essential energy that brings health and well-being,

I am grateful for _________________________ “



By now (hopefully) you realize that creativity has more to do with healing and self-expression than artistic ability.

Creating with intention allows us to release what does not serve us, heal our emotional pain and raise our consciousness.  That is an ability available to ALL.

What is one way you're inspired to create with more soulful intention today?

Please share your observations and creative musings in the comments below or the Art Room Activity Feed.


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