Elevating Consciouness by Merging Imagination with Creativity Through Inspired Action

Elevating Consciousness by Merging Imagination with Creativity Through Inspired Action

⏱️ 3 min

The power of imagination brings things that do not exist into the mind and uses it to visualize how things "could" be. The more you use this power the stronger it becomes.

The power of imagination brings things that do not exist into the mind and uses it to visualize how things “could” be. The more you use this power the stronger it becomes. So then, let's practice!


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Today, I will practice stillness.

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

― Albert Einstein

Imagine that you have extraordinary power.

This power brings things that do not exist into the mind and uses it to visualize how things “could” be.  The more you use this power the stronger it becomes.

If you can reach a state of stillness and quiet your mind, your subconscious will be more accepting of the “reality” your imagination can visualize.  You will be in the field of infinite possibility.  Once in this state of stillness, you can replace beliefs that no longer serve you with new beliefs.  Your new beliefs will attach to this higher state of consciousness and you will be inspired to behave and act in new ways.

There is one element that needs to be observed.  You must trust the process and not try to control the outcome.  Once your new belief has been sent out, follow your intuition and trust that this or something better will manifest.  Stay aware and observant of where you are being guided.

This extraordinary power is also exceptional when combined with Creativity.

Read the following affirmation out loud with purpose and intent:

I use inspired action to bring my imagination's vision to life.

Elevating Consciouness by Merging Imagination with Creativity Through Inspired Action

Let's spend some time using our imagination.

*List ten things other than drinking that you could use a straw for.

*Make a new animal with the head of one animal, the body of another and the legs of another.

Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself into this moment.  Tapping into your imagination.  Is there a question you would like to ask your imagination?

A few more deep breaths…using color, what vision does your imagination want to share with you.  Use your black pen to finish, make outlines or make marks. This does not have to be an identifiable shape (or shapes).  It can be totally random or abstract.  Observe and listen for the message.

I use my imagination daily.

I am so grateful for …



How do you use your imagination?

Can you recall a time when you could feel the stillness?

Please let us know how imagination plays in your life in the Activity Feed.


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