PRESERVATION - gathering and protecting what we value

🐿 PRESERVATION – how to gather and protect what we value

⏱️ 3 min

Let’s examine our Harvest so we can gather and preserve what will value most.


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PRESERVATION - gathering and protecting what we value

Today, let’s examine our Harvest so we can gather and protect what will carry us through the darkest times.

Because we have been gathering, the abundance lays out before us in a cornucopia of possibility.  We are beginning to become very clear on what feeds our soul. With that knowledge, each day becomes an experiment and a treasure hunt for more input.

During this Autumn Season, what bounty do you want to experience daily? What will you hold in your knapsack?  What will you compost?



“I choose to gather and preserve what I need to live a creative life.”


Gathering the Autumn Harvest allows us the opportunity to decide how we will “preserve” our “bounty” (or if we even want to).

Much of our bounty (the pause, creativity, compassion, self care, meditation, connection to Nature, breathing, etc.) we would like to use on a daily basis.  This bounty we preserve by our commitment to daily “use”.

Some of our bounty, we realize, will be useful as our journey unfolds (stepping into the unknown, reframing conditioning, certain creative expressions, etc.) and we may want to take our time or practice in stages.  This bounty we preserve and put in our knapsack to snack on when we need to.

Some of what we used to believe was bounty, we realize now should be composted (over giving, over achieving, avoidance, fear of being negative, always saying yes, scarcity mindset, berating yourself, etc.).

With the coming of Autumn, we are able (once again) to examine our Harvest and choose our intentions for preservation.

For many creatures in Nature, Autumn is the season for preserving and preparing.

We know that Winter will be upon us soon.  We gather and preserve our foods, our supplies and our tools of creativity to feed us, carry us through, keep us safe and allow us comfort.  We prepare our space so we have a comfy sanctuary to wait out the cold.

What preparations do you need to make this Autumn?


Today, look around your creative space. Have you gathered your tools of creative expression?

That might be a room full of color-making mediums or a set of colored pens and a sketchbook. Feeding your creative soul is all that matters and that is your own preference.

Are there any “tools” you need or would like to try out?

GATHERING is our journal prompt for the day.


“I am astonished at the Bounty I am Harvesting!

I am grateful for

_________________________ “



Preserving the bounty that feeds our soul is part of honoring the tenets of Autumn.

We want to be aware of what we need to both balance our energies and keep us safe and warm as we move closer to Winter.

Please share your observations in the comments below or the Art Room Activity Feed.

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