COMPASSIONATE - transforming suffering

COMPASSIONATE – transforming suffering

⏱️ 2 min

Today, let's have the willingness to be present with suffering, extending ourselves and widening our circle of compassion.

Today, let's have the willingness to be present with suffering, extending ourselves and widening our circle of compassion.

Compassion is a response to the suffering of others that shows understanding, care, and concern. It is the medicine that heals suffering and frees our spirits. The fruit of bringing compassion to our uncomfortable emotions is realizing that we are no longer imprisoned in or identified with any limiting sense of self. And while we each have the capacity for love and compassion, it is by intentional practice that we develop a truly wise and caring heart that frees us to safely explore our wildest dreams!


Compassion is born from understanding suffering. We all should learn to embrace our own suffering, to listen to it deeply, and to have a deep look into its nature.

– Thich Nhat Hanh



no mud no lotus

No mud, no lotus.



Compassion is the heart's response to suffering.

It is a process that involves noticing, feeling, interpreting, and responding to pain. Often it's most healing to let our feelings have their space and feel the pain rather than immediately attempting to avoid or move on. Next time we feel an uncomfortable emotion, let's resist the need to solve or fix, and instead have the courage to just be with what is.



How can you show yourself more compassion today?

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